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Celebrities Couture Wedding Dress

391,171 vezes jogadas

Validação Humana

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Today you are going to be a stylist for the celebrities, and not just any kind of stylist. Aria nd Taylor are entrusting you with the most important task, which is to create their bridal look. The wedding of this celebrities is going to be watched worldwide and everyone is already trying to figure out what kind of couture wedding dress will they wear. Need less to say, that Aria and Taylor's wedding dress has to be flawless, they need to amaze the whole world. After you create their bridal makeup, you need to choose the dress. In the wardrobe you will find some amazing creations. You must choose the most suited dress and accessorize it. Have fun and good luck!

Categoria: Jogos para Meninas
Adicionado em 26 Jul 2019